So, even though it's January I still have a lot in the mix. I have two J-Term classes in the next three weeks. Both are one hour long ethics courses: Creation and Evolution and Death and Dying. I got my books yesterday and am ready to get em' done. I've also been working on my commissioning paperwork that is all due in two weeks. I just finished putting together the 4 DVD's I have to turn in for preaching and leading worship- that took a while! I also finished all the tedious "fill in the blank" pages of information collecting and about half of my theology questions. So, I can almost taste sweet victory:) I'm also in the midst of planning a packing trip to the Smoky Mountains. Once again, anytime I need to work hard it always helps to have a "play hard" goal at the end to keep me focused. Brandon (fishing buddy) and I are going to attempt to climb a mountain, hike and camp out for two nights and three days in JANUARY!! It sounds risky, so I like it:) It'll give me a chance to utilize the new 0 degree bag I got in light of a broken zipper on the last bag. The new one is a Kelty, Cosmic 0 degree mummy bag. I look forward to posting an update after the trip. The last thing I've been working on is an independent study. I decided I wanted to be more efficient in my IBS (Inductive Bible Study) skills. Professor David Thompson (author of Bible Study that Works) has agree to tutor me through my Isaiah Exegesis Course (Sandy Richter), especially in the areas where I would utilize IBS. I'm very excited about this opportunity and look forward to hopefully becoming a lean, mean IBS maching:) So, now I'm going to open a bag of expensive coffee (Starbucks employee perk) and have breakfast!
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